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IntelliQuest(intelliquest europe) build and sales test equipment for semiconductor assembly. We offer to You Bonder and Bondtester: wire bonden, Pull Test, Pull Tester, wire bonder, Goldbonden, Wire Pull Tester, Pulltester, Bond Pull, aluminium bonden, aluminium, dünndraht,Die Shear Testing, small aluminium wire, Aluminium Dickdraht, Heavy Aluminium Wire, Golddraht, goldwire, bond test, shear test, BGA, Bond Testing, Lead Tester, Lead Test, Shear Testing, Ball Bond Testing, Ball Shear Testing, Ball Bond Test, Ball Pull Test, Ball Pull Tester, Ball Pull Testing, BGA Ball Pull Tester, bga ball pull test, BGA Ball Pull Testing, Bond Stress Test, Wire Pull Testing, Wire Pull Test, TAB Test, TAB Tester, Ball Bond Shear Testing, Ball Bond Shear Tester, Ball Shear Test, Ball Shear Tester, Peel Test, Peel Tester, Die Shear Test, Die Shear Tester, Heated Die Shear Test, Heated Die Shear Tester, heated dieshear tester, Hot Die Shear Test, SPC